A Few Good Men (1992)

9.57/10 (36 votes)
  • A Few Good Men (1992)

    Movie Plot

    In this dramatic courtroom thriller, Lt. Daniel Kaffee (Tom Cruise), a Navy lawyer who has never seen the inside of the courtroom, defends two stubborn Marines (Wolfgang Bodison and James Marshall) who have been accused of murdering a colleague. He (Cruise) is known as being lazy and had arranged for a plea bargain. Downey's (Marshall) Aunt Ginny appoints Cmdr. Galloway (Demi Moore) to represent him. Also on the legal staff is Lt. Sam Weinberg (Kevin Pollak). The team rounds up many facts and Kaffee is discovering that he is really cut out for trial work. The defense is originally based upon the fact that PFC Santiago, the victim, was given a "CODE RED". Santiago was basically a screw-up. At Gitmo, screw-ups aren't tolerated. Especially by Col. Nathan Jessup (Jack Nicholson). In Cuba, Jessup and two senior officers (J.T. Walsh and Kiefer Sutherland) try to give all the help they can, but Kaffee knows something's fishy. In the conclusion of the film, the fireworks are set off by a confrontation between Jessup and Kaffee.

    Director : Rob Reiner

    Genre : Crime / Drama / Thriller

    Character : Col. Nathan R. Jessep

    Cast : Tom Cruise, Demi Moore, Kevin Bacon, Kiefer Sutherland

    More info : imdb



(4775 views / 9 replies)
noah - Thursday, 10th Nov 2011 @ 08:03

Spot on Jack. I love your portrayal.

Cpl Peterson (USMC 91-94)

rhonda - Friday, 16th Sep 2011 @ 03:21

smile smile I have two Brothers one Nephew that are Marines 1 son Army and a Husband LTCD Navy and Dad Airforce and we saulte you Jack! love the flag you fly on your house and with a light on it your the Marine! smile

becky gonzalez - Wednesday, 9th Jun 2010 @ 20:55

It was an excilent movie! All of the actors were great! smile Tom Cruise, Demi Moore, and especially Jack Nicholson when he said that famous line," YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH! He was very cool and he amazed me in that moive. smile

vineet kumar - Thursday, 20th May 2010 @ 09:08

I was so Surprissed to Know that he dosen't get OSCAR for this Role.
From my point of it is one of the best movies of JACK ...

The Dialogue went so right when he does not get the OSCAR " YOU CAN'T HANDEL THE TRUTH." smile smile smile smile

prabhakar - Wednesday, 27th Jun 2007 @ 11:27

A real Stunning Performance by Jack.
If you wanna see a Roar it would be in a Cour Room by Jack..........

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