As Good as It Gets (1997)

9.41/10 (62 votes)
  • As Good as It Gets (1997)

    Movie Plot

    The trials and tribulations of a compulsive writer, Melvin Udall (Jack Nicholson). After his homosexual neighbor (Greg Kinnear) is brutally beaten, he is entrusted to the care of the neighbor's dog, with a difficult relationship with a waitress (Helen Hunt) to add on top of that. What develops is a weekend trip/triangle between these three individuals, and together they learn the true meaning of "the sunny side of life".

    Director : James L. Brooks

    Genre : Comedy / Drama / Romance

    Character : Melvin Udall

    Cast : Helen Hunt, Greg Kinnear, Cuba Gooding Jr.

    More info : imdb



(7471 views / 11 replies)
nader keyrouz - Sunday, 4th Dec 2011 @ 18:19

Fabulous film. Full of emotions and wisdom.

pam - Thursday, 11th Aug 2011 @ 12:31

as good as its gets, that say all! THE BEST MOVIE EVERYTIME!

andré lopes - Friday, 6th Jul 2007 @ 22:06

Truly worth the Oscar indeed!!!!!!

Brace Yourself for Jack!!

prabhakar - Wednesday, 27th Jun 2007 @ 11:19

Real AWSOME movie worth watching jack in this movie.Best scene would be the early morning 4am walk............

jorge - Thursday, 10th May 2007 @ 16:34

Sunglasses- I want to know who made those sunglasses he wore in this movie? And maybe, where can I get a pair?

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