Blood and Wine (1996)

7.48/10 (23 votes)
  • Blood and Wine (1996)

    Movie Plot

    Bob Rafelson has stated that this is the final part of an informal trilogy he started with "Five Easy Pieces" and continued with "The King Of Marvin Gardens". In the three, Nicholson has now played son, brother and father. In this one, Nicholson is a wealthy wine dealer who has distanced himself from his wife with his philandering and from his son with his negligence. After he steals a diamond necklace with the help of a safecracker partner, Victor, things start coming apart. His wife sets out to interrupt what she thinks is another one of his weekend dalliances, but is really his trip to pawn the jewels.

    Director : Bob Rafelson

    Genre : Thriller / Crime / Drama

    Character : Alex Gates

    Cast : Stephen Dorff, Jennifer Lopez, Michael Caine

    More info : imdb



(1959 views / 2 replies)
rohit - Tuesday, 2nd Jun 2009 @ 15:19

i like this movie.

vince - Wednesday, 19th Oct 2005 @ 15:01

Not a big hit, but still enjoyable movie.

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