Easy Rider (1969)

8.59/10 (22 votes)
  • Easy Rider (1969)

    Movie Plot

    Two long-haired bikers from Los Angeles take off on a cross-country trip to New Orleans for Mardi Gras. On the way they meet several unusual characters. A rancher and his family, a hitchhiker and the hippie commune where he lives, hookers, red-necks, but most noticeably George Hansen played by Jack Nicholson. Mr. Nicholson gained national attention for his role as the "law'er with the ACLU". Dennis Hopper won "Best New Director" at the 1969 Cannes Film Festival.

    Director : Dennis Hopper

    Genre : Adventure / Drama / Action

    Character : George Hanson

    Cast : Peter Fonda, Dennis Hopper, Antonio Mendoza

    More info : imdb



(4407 views / 6 replies)
kurt - Monday, 12th Sep 2005 @ 23:59

Great movie, with a great atmosphere.
Must see!

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