Heartburn (1986)

8.73/10 (20 votes)
  • Heartburn (1986)

    Movie Plot

    An autobiographical look at the breakup of Ephron's marriage to Carl "All the President's Men" Bernstein that was also a best-selling novel. The Ephron character, Rachel (Meryl Streep) is a food writer at a New York magazine who meets Washington columnist Mark (Jack Nicholson) at a wedding and ends up falling in love with him despite her reservations about marriage. They buy a house, have a daughter, and Rachel thinks they are living happily ever after until she discovers that Mark is having an affair while she is waddling around with a second pregnancy.

    Director : Mike Nichols

    Genre : Comedy / Drama / Romance

    Character : Mark Louis Forman

    Cast : Meryl Streep, Jeff Daniels, Maureen Stapleton

    More info : imdb



(2499 views / 3 replies)
carrie - Friday, 12th Feb 2010 @ 23:18

i have always loved this movie. i watch it on a regular basis. i just recently found the book by accident at the local goodwill and i am so excited to read it.

witch of eastwick - Wednesday, 5th Nov 2008 @ 03:59

I love this movie! No comments in three years? And only one? It's Meryl and Jack and '80s = awesome. I hope they do another film together.

kurt - Tuesday, 13th Sep 2005 @ 00:13

Typical 80's movie. Not a boring movie, but it's not the greatest either. Perfect when there's nothing else on tv.

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