Hoffa (1992)

9.02/10 (21 votes)
  • Hoffa (1992)

    Movie Plot

    Danny DeVito's portrait of Union leader James R. Hoffa, as seen through the eyes of his friend, Bobby Ciaro. The film follows Hoffa through his countless battles with the RTA and President Roosevelt all the way to a conclusion that negates the theory that he disappeared in 1975.

    Director : Danny DeVito

    Genre : Biography / Crime / Drama

    Character : James R. 'Jimmy' Hoffa

    Cast : Danny DeVito, Armand Assante, J.T. Walsh

    More info : imdb



(2872 views / 2 replies)
kenley - Thursday, 9th Dec 2010 @ 02:40

i dont know why the helll jack was nominated for worst actor in this movie i really liked it

jack - Wednesday, 14th Sep 2005 @ 00:16

Nice movie about the life of James Hoffa. Good play by Nicholson and Devito.

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