How Do You Know? (2010)

8.3/10 (117 votes)
  • How Do You Know? (2010)

    Movie Plot

    After being cut from the USA softball team and feeling a bit past her prime, Lisa finds herself evaluating her life and in the middle of a love triangle, as a corporate guy in crisis competes with her current, baseball-playing beau.

    Director : James L. Brooks

    Genre : Comedy / Drama / Romance

    Character : Charles

    Cast : Paul Rudd, Owen Wilson, Reese Witherspoon, Yuki Matsuzaki

    More info : imdb



(0 views / 132 replies)
nori dülger - Monday, 22nd Aug 2011 @ 20:57

Hello Mr. Nicholson, the film How do you know is very interesting ... stand for 11 years under the influential German professors ... the time to remain in their present possitions never again! Turkish TV and the commercials are full of me ..

nori dülger - Monday, 22nd Aug 2011 @ 20:53

Hallo Herr Nicholson, der film How do you Know ist sehr interessant... stehe seit 11 jahren unter dem einfluss deutscher professoren... zeit das die nie wieder in ihrem jetzigen possition bleiben !!! der türkische tv und die werbungen sind voll von mir..

dedy - Wednesday, 17th Aug 2011 @ 09:42

Good movie .......a face to face talk is badly needed, Jack.

pam - Thursday, 11th Aug 2011 @ 13:00

i know, that i know nothing. smile

laura - Wednesday, 10th Aug 2011 @ 18:01

And by the way , I'm not a little girl playing around in the internet and found this guy , I watched my first Jack Nicholson film when I was 6 years old.

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