One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)

9.72/10 (72 votes)
  • One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)

    Movie Plot

    McMurphy has been dating a fifteen year old (fifteen going on thirty-five) and is sentenced for a short term for contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Rather than spend his time in jail, he convinces the guards that he's crazy enough to need psychiatric care and is sent to a hospital. He fits in frighteningly well, and his different point of view actually begins to cause some of the patients to progress. Nurse Ratched becomes his personal cross to bear as his resistence to the hospital routine gets on her nerves.

    Director : Milos Forman

    Genre : Drama

    Character : Randle Patrick McMurphy

    Cast : Louise Fletcher, William Redfield, Sydney Lassick

    More info : imdb



(11208 views / 44 replies)
maria - Monday, 30th Jan 2012 @ 00:39

My favourite movie of all time.

status quo - Sunday, 2nd Oct 2011 @ 15:04

but i only wanna,i only wanna,i only wanna.....a classic movie smile

pam - Thursday, 11th Aug 2011 @ 12:41

i look this movie and i say, That's my life, but with a ”happy and”. This is very crazy. One fly... Is not a movie, its reality tv.

rahsachehef - Sunday, 9th Jan 2011 @ 09:02

learned a lot

lucile - Thursday, 25th Nov 2010 @ 21:00

Your best movie

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