Something's Gotta Give (2003)

8.7/10 (63 votes)
  • Something's Gotta Give (2003)

    Movie Plot

    Sixty-three year old Harry has a reputation for dating girls a third his age. Taking Marin, his latest belle, back to her beach house for the weekend he is taken aback when her mother Erica unexpectedly turns up. Suffering a heart attack while romancing Marin, Harry finds himself housebound with Erica his nurse and only companion. As they grudgingly get to know each other something starts to stir, though as the hosptital doctor who treated him has taken a shine to Erica, Harry could have serious competition.

    Director : Nancy Meyers

    Genre : Comedy / Romance / Drama

    Character : Harry Sanborn

    Cast : Diane Keaton, Keanu Reeves, Amanda Peet

    More info : imdb



(10817 views / 32 replies)
البيان - Tuesday, 3rd Jan 2012 @ 21:53

I liked this movie a lot and is obsessed with this actor, but how can I find I do not know this movie did not help me one please help to find this movie sends me this my email

pam - Thursday, 11th Aug 2011 @ 12:46

in the same jear, before i see this movie, i have meet my husband, he is 24jears older at me. That's uncredible.

anongsack panyakhom - Saturday, 1st May 2010 @ 19:36

oh.... jack you are a best a actor......i want to tell about come to visit laos.." do you know LAOS" PLEASE come to visit laos... i promise you ..i will take u to any places for travel in laos....

anirudh - Saturday, 19th Dec 2009 @ 10:04

Beautiful movie----------Jack n Diane the best ever on screen couple---------the best line from dis movie--------"your woman to love"------ " the truth is I-----------I just dont know how to be a Boyfriend" ------------jack is spectacular smile

lenka slovakia - Thursday, 19th Nov 2009 @ 18:44

The best movie for me! Jack is great!!!!!!!! smile smile smile smile

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