The Crossing Guard (1995)

8.45/10 (21 votes)
  • The Crossing Guard (1995)

    Movie Plot

    After his daughter died in a hit and run, Freddy Gale has waited six years for John Booth, the man responsible, to be released from prison. On the day of release, Gale visits Booth and announces that he will kill him in one week. Booth uses his time to try and make peace with himself and his entourage, and even finds romance. Gale, whose life is spiralling down because of his obsession towards Booth, will bring himself on the very edge of sanity. At he end of the week, both men will find themselves on a collision course with each other.

    Director : Sean Penn

    Genre : Drama

    Character : Freddy Gale

    Cast : David Morse, Anjelica Huston, Robin Wright Penn

    More info : imdb



(3303 views / 3 replies)
lucila arteaga - Saturday, 6th Oct 2007 @ 23:26

Awesome movie shows how someone actions could affect and change lots of lives. One question from what remember about the movie was Joth Booth drunk at the time

sharman - Saturday, 10th Feb 2007 @ 20:58

Interesting story concept - great cameo by Richard Bradford.

kurt - Wednesday, 19th Oct 2005 @ 15:05

Nice movie, with good ending and great soundtrack by Bruce Springsteen in the end credits.

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