The Fortune (1975)

7.63/10 (16 votes)
  • The Fortune (1975)


    Movie Plot

    The early 1900's with its Mann-Act (disallowing women to be transported across State lines for immoral reasons) brings a married man to devise a scheme for taking his upper-class girlfriend away with him... he simply has her marry his unmarried buddy. However, it doesn't take very long before both men start laying claim to her affection... until, that is, she's about to be cut out of her parent's fortune. So, a new scheme is devised, which only adds to their problems, as well as to the sly whimsy of this film.

    Director : Mike Nichols

    Genre : Comedy / Crime

    Character : Oscar Sullivan aka Oscar Dix

    Cast : Stockard Channing, Warren Beatty, Ian Wolfe

    More info : imdb


(2019 views / 2 replies)
lora moore - Saturday, 27th Feb 2010 @ 03:01

The Fortune is one of my all-time favorite movies. I love the look -- 1020's California, the bungalows, the costumes. Of course it's the cast and crazy script that make it so much fun. I've probably seen it 3 or 4 times, on television. Wish I could find it on video. smile

laura - Wednesday, 6th Jan 2010 @ 04:50

This movie was so great we see it several times.

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