The Pledge (2001)

8.59/10 (32 votes)
  • The Pledge (2001)

    Movie Plot

    The night he retires as a Nevada sheriff, Jerry Black pledges to the mother of a murdered girl that he will find the killer. Jerry doesn't believe the police arrested the right man; he discovers this is the third incident in the area in the recent past with victims young, blond, pretty, and small for their age. So he buys an old gas station in the mountains near the crimes in order to search for a tall man who drives a black station wagon, gives toy porcupines as gifts, and calls himself the wizard: clues from a drawing by the dead girl. Jerry's solitary life gives way to friendship with a woman and her small, blond daughter. Has Jerry neglected something that may prove fatal?

    Director : Sean Penn

    Genre : Drama / Crime / Mystery

    Character : Jerry Black

    Cast : Patricia Clarkson, Benicio Del Toro, Dale Dickey

    More info : imdb



(3013 views / 6 replies)
thruline - Monday, 26th Jul 2010 @ 05:53

We are left to assume the murderer died in an auto accident on his way to meet Lori's daughter in the park, staked out by police. We see the black station wagon, 'Gary' inside, very dead, and the charred bauble that was hanging on the swing set.

steve - Saturday, 24th Jul 2010 @ 23:37

Who the heck was the murderer????? I've watched this movie countless times and still have NO idea who it was!!!

dix handley - Saturday, 30th Jan 2010 @ 02:18

Next to Chinatown this is Jack's best performance to date in my humble opinion. Him and Mickey Rourke in that one scene convinced me they should do a big movie together at some point very soon. I can't say enough good things about Jack or this movie, especially the ending which was sad. smile

margaret - Monday, 21st Apr 2008 @ 09:05

1618 views and 2 replies only means /according to me/ 1616 - they do not know what it is about ! I think they have not read "the PLEDGE" by Durenmatt at all. Screenplay was poor and your performance could not be better /surprise!!/ . By the way, I had seen different versions of this masterpiece of DURENMATT /I remember only one /black-white/ seemed to be faithfull to an author,s idea. To show very deep feelings is the most difficult thing - I dismissed screanwriter /this case -of course/ . See YOU,

laurie whipple - Tuesday, 4th Mar 2008 @ 05:42

Excellent movie. Very gripping and moving. It moves slowly but with a subtle intensity. Jack Nicholson at his best. Loved it.

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