The Raven (1963)

8.63/10 (8 votes)
  • The Raven (1963)


    Movie Plot

    In this tongue-in-cheek movie inspired by Poe's poem, Dr. Craven is the son of a great sorcerer (now dead) who was once himself quite skilled at that profession, but has since abandoned it. One evening, a cowardly fool of a magician named Bedlo comes to Craven for help- the evil Scarabus has turned him into a raven and he needs someone to change him back. He also tells the reluctant wizard that Craven's long-lost wife Lenore, whom he loved greatly and thought dead, is living with the despised Scarabus.

    Director : Roger Corman

    Genre : Comedy / Fantasy / Horror

    Character : Rexford Bedlo

    Cast : Vincent Price, Peter Lorre, Boris Karloff

    More info : imdb


(2104 views / 1 replies)
kenley - Thursday, 17th Mar 2011 @ 00:25

Quoth the Raven, Nevermore... smile

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