The Shining (1980)
9.56/10 (56 votes)-
Movie Plot
Jack Torrance (Jack Nicholson) gets a job as the custodian of the Overlook Hotel, in the mountains of Colorado. The place is closed down during winter, and Torrance and his family will be the only occupants of the hotel for a long while. When the snow storms block the Torrance family in the hotel, Jack's son Danny - who has some clairvoyance and telepathy powers - discovers that the hotel is haunted and that the spirits are slowly driving Jack crazy. When Jack meets the ghost of Mr. Grady, the former custodian of the hotel who murdered his wife and his two daughters, things begin to get really nasty...
Director : Stanley Kubrick
Genre : Horror / Thriller
Character : Jack Torrance
Cast : Shelley Duvall, Danny Lloyd, Scatman Crothers
More info : imdb
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(8506 views / 22 replies)You saw ALL of Jack Nicholson's movies!? What was his small uncredited role like in ''The St. Valentine's Day Massacre?''
i freaking love<33 jack nicholson hes likee my hubby. i have seen all of his movies but my favorite movie of his is "The Shining". dang he played a psycho. but he looked good doing it.(:
dear jacknicholson
i like the films you have done the shining was a very scarry
i like to be you fan this year send me a mail this is my mail
and this is my passworld is elvispresley thanks jack to you live at basildon center
You are wayyy too hot in this film
@jack...u r jst unparallel in this movie....out of this world acting