Too Soon to Love (1960)

8.88/10 (4 votes)
  • Too Soon to Love (1960)


    Movie Plot

    Filmmaker Richard Rush made his directorial debut with this low-budget drama about the danger of teenage romance and juvenile delinquency. Cathy Taylor (Jennifer West) and Jim Mills (Richard Evans) are a pair of teenagers who have fallen in love. When they're spotted making out at a local lover's lane by the police, they're arrested and brought in to the station; their parents, imagining the worst, warn them that their romance could lead to behavior that could ruin their lives. However, Cathy and Jim, brought even closer together by their misfortune, are heedless of their parents' pleas, and before long Cathy finds herself pregnant. In no position to marry, Jim offers to pay for an illegal abortion, but he has to turn to crime in order to raise the money. Keep an eye peeled for a young Jack Nicholson, who plays a youthful troublemaker named Buddy.

    Director : Buddy

    Genre : Drama

    Character : Richard Rush

    Cast : Jennifer West, Richard Evans, Warren Parker

    More info : imdb



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