News Archive 2009
July 29th, 2009
Jack Nicholson on holiday in Saint Jean Cap-Ferrat (France)
Jack Nicholson is spending his annual holiday in Saint Jean Cap-Ferrat in the South of France. Wearing a large pair of baggy beach shorts, Jack was seen swimming in the waters as ...
July 28th, 2009
New movie How Do You Know? delayed
A premature birth has held up production on Jack Nicholson's new movie. Jack is currently working on baseball picture "How Do You Know?" but the shoot has...
July 21st, 2009
Jack Nicholson at Phillies-Cubs game
Jack Nicholson, shooting the James L. Brooks comedy in town, was spotted sitting near home plate at Monday's Phillies-Cubs game in a white Yankees cap. Fans gave him a pass because...
July 13th, 2009
From now on, you can vote on all your favourite Jack Nicholson movies. When you open the detail page of a movie, you will see a series of stars under the title. The green stars m...
July 10th, 2009
Jack Nicholson filming in Philly
Fox 29 made a small feature on Jack Nicholson filming in Philadelphia for L. Brooks' new movie "How Do You Know?". In the videoclip you can see Jack Nicholson inside...
July 5th, 2009
Jack Nicholson was at “West Side Story” last night and the Yankees game Thursday night, completing his run around the bases of New York before he resumes filming James ...