• April 22nd, 2014

    Happy 77th birthday Jack Nicholson!

    Happy 77th birthday Jack Nicholson!

    Happy birthday to Jack Nicholson on his 77th birthday today!

    From all the fans out there we wish him a great day, and many years, movies, and oscars to come!




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(30379 views / 12 replies)
Irene - Friday, 18th Jul 2014 @ 00:12

Just watching As good as it gets - I love Jack !

Gary Pearce - Wednesday, 25th Jun 2014 @ 17:56

Chemainus, BC Canada-Vancouver Island
At 63, been a long time fan of Jack, have a framed photo from 1969 over kitchen table with Jack, Dennis & Peter, you know the one???? Too bad it's not autographed by them.

Belated Happy 77th Jack! smile

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