• August 30th, 2009

    Jack Nicholson attends funeral Ted Kennedy

    Jack Nicholson attends funeral Ted Kennedy

    Yesterday, America bade farewell to Senator Ted Kennedy, a hero and champion of civil rights. In a beautiful 2 hour funeral service held at the basilica of the Our Lady of Perpetual Health, mourners were able to see how many friends and loved ones Senator Ted Kennedy had. Celebrities, former presidents, and politicians attended the funeral and celebrated their friend and colleague, before saying their final farewell.

    Jack Nicholson attended the service as well as entertainer, Tony Bennett.  John McCain who celebrated his 73rd birthday today, also came to the funeral mass. Former presidents Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter were joined by George W. and Laura Bush. Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton were in attendance, and of course President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama were there. President Obama delivered the eulogy. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and his wife Maria Shriver, Senator Ted Kennedy’s niece arrived before the hearse carrying Senator Ted Kennedy’s casket reached the Basilica. The distance from the JFK Library and Museum to the Our Lady of Perpetual Hope Basilica was approximately 20 minutes. The funeral mass was attended by both Democrat and Republican alike.

    The funeral schedule included musician Yo-Yo Ma, famed cellist and Placido Domingo, the great tenor. Senator Kennedy wanted his funeral to be a celebration of life, and as he was an accomplished artist and connoisseur of fine arts, their presence created an atmosphere conduit to remembering Ted Kennedy’s passions.

    President Barack and Michelle Obama interrupted their vacation at Martha’s Vineyard and flew into Boston, arriving last night. Later tonight they will fly back to Martha’s Vineyard for one final day of vacation before heading back to Washington. For many, Washington and the work on health care reform will be without one strong voice: the roar of the lion of the Senate Ted Kennedy.

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(11297 views / 5 replies)
CAMILLO - Thursday, 5th Nov 2009 @ 00:02

SEI UN GRADE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,GRAZIE DI ESSISSERE smile

Ro - Wednesday, 16th Sep 2009 @ 18:35

Class Act all the way!!!

Lesly - Monday, 14th Sep 2009 @ 21:47

We get glimpses here and there. But the far reaching, behind the scenes influence of Jack's star power can never be known. smile

Robyn P - Sunday, 6th Sep 2009 @ 03:43

That just goes to show what we all know...Jack is a real class act! smile smile

Vince - Tuesday, 1st Sep 2009 @ 20:38

Nice gesture of Jack smile
R.I.P. Ted Kennedy and strength to those who mourn his loss.

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