• December 26th, 2007

    Jack Nicholson in Variety Magazine

    Jack Nicholson in Variety Magazine Variety features an interview with Jack Nicholson in this month's issue, discussing his new movie The Bucket List.

    "This movie is what you call a two-hander -- you know, Morgan and I -- so how can I get involved in a best actor conversation? I mean, we're inseparable," says Nicholson, also tipping his hat to director Rob Reiner (reteaming after "A Few Good Men"). "Rob won't be credited as much as he should be for how simple the movie is, because it's a daring project, a comedy in which imminent demise is at the center of it."

    Read an excerpt of the interview here.

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(4198 views / 1 replies)
Situ - Saturday, 15th Oct 2011 @ 10:16

I love you Jack.

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