• November 13th, 2007

    Jack Nicholson interview in Golf Digest

    Jack Nicholson interview in Golf Digest Jack Nicholson once nearly owned the Bronx Bombers. "I could have bought into the Yankees for $41 million, and the Lakers for less, with a friend," Jack tells this month's Golf Digest.

    "I've been a Yankees fan since my days as a bleacher-street kid in the '50s. Lorne Michaels and I go to Yankee games, and Lorne wanted me to throw out the first ball at Yankee Stadium for my 70th birthday this year. That sounded fun until I started getting nervous and then completely crazy, thinking, 'Should I try to throw a slider?' Backed off that one, too. I've got my shy side."

    It's one of the thinks Jack talks about in his interview with Golf Digest magazine.

    Read the entire interview here

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(4002 views / 2 replies)
patrick - Wednesday, 14th Nov 2007 @ 00:16

yeahhh jack!!!! good^^ you are a best!!

Iris - Tuesday, 13th Nov 2007 @ 20:10

Wow Jack! I knew about your passion for golf, but I didn't know you were so good! You're so always surprising! Go on like this! You're the best!!!

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