• May 3rd, 2004

    Jack Nicholson rescues woman from wrecked car

    Jack Nicholson rescues woman from wrecked car Jack Nicholson has been hailed a hero after rescuing a woman who was trapped in a wrecked car.

    The Hollywood legend raced to the scene when two vehicles ahead of him smashed into each other and he saw the woman's car spinning off the road in Venice, California.
    He reassured the victim, who had suffered cuts and bruises, and told her:"Just stay calm, help is on its way."
    Jack then managed to drag the woman to safety - and it was only then she realised who her rescuer was.

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(2864 views / 3 replies)
Shaina "Jokergurl" Lucas - Wednesday, 31st May 2006 @ 14:52

That's right Jack! But that's not the only life he saved...he saved someone he doesn't even know exsists. Me! If it wasn't for his role in Batman I would've committed suicide but his performance stopped me. So now i'm a huge Batsupporter, Jack fan till death, and we have so much in common miraculously!-J.G

Dou4uH - Wednesday, 30th Nov 2005 @ 21:10

The best!

mike - Tuesday, 18th Oct 2005 @ 23:20

Jack the hero!

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