• September 15th, 2004

    Jack Nicholson steps out with Kate Moss

    Jack Nicholson steps out with Kate Moss Nicholson is back to his womanising ways - he's been spotted enjoying nights out with British supermodel Kate Moss.

    The 67-year-old star, who has previously dated actresses Anjelica Houston and Lara Flynn Boyle, accompanied Moss to New York's trendy Spice Island restaurant earlier this week and the pair were seen exchanging lingering gazes over dinner.

    When they had finished eating, the pair clambered into a waiting limousine together, avoiding photographers and autograph hunters.

    It is not the first time Nicholson has been linked to the 30-year-old mother of one - in 1994 she and model Naomi Campbell were seen leaving his hotel suite at 4am.

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