• August 4th, 2009

    Jack whoops it up in France

    Jack whoops it up in France

    Jack Nicholson made sure to check a few things off his "Bucket List" over the weekend -- whooping it up with hotties and lounging on the beach in the South of France.

    Jack kicked off his day splashing around in the Mediterranean while puffing on a cigarette at Villefranche-sur-Mer on the French Riviera. Later that night, Nicholson arrived at a party hosted by Belgian jet-setter Christian Behrmann in Cap Ferrat, where he continued to puff away, except now in the company of a bevy of babes.

    He then took to the dance floor with one limber lovely, letting her know "Here's Johnny!" as he lowered her to the ground in a limbo-like move. Nicholson was clearly letting off some steam before getting to work on his next project -- James L. Brooks project "How Do You Know?" co-starring Paul Rudd, Reese Witherspoon and Owen Wilson.

    Nicholson has been showing his age in film lately. His most recent movie was "The Bucket List", in which he and Morgan Freeman starred as two terminally ill men who escape a hospital and go to check things off a list of things they had always wanted to do before they died.

    New pictures have been added to the photo album: Jack Nicholson on holiday in France (July 2009)

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(16594 views / 5 replies)
turkish boy - Tuesday, 24th Nov 2009 @ 18:46

hey jack! come to Turkey smile

armand giammarco - Sunday, 13th Sep 2009 @ 03:55

i wish i could meet jack nicholson he has a twin it is me everywhere i go people tell me i look just like him smile

Mariana Pantin - Sunday, 23rd Aug 2009 @ 02:52

No hay duda de que ese hombre es fascinante...I crazy for you "JACK"!!! smile

clinton - Thursday, 6th Aug 2009 @ 20:04

you cant keep a good man down,..jacks one of the best.what a life jack must have had. smile

Madison - Tuesday, 4th Aug 2009 @ 16:08

I love Jack Nicholson!!!! smile

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