• October 28th, 2007

    New article and pictures

    New article and pictures I've added a new small article from a Dutch magazine stating that Jack has given his ex girlfriend Rebecca Broussard an ultimatum to solve her alcohol problem. When she continues her alcohol abuse, she'll leave Jack no other choice than taking away the kids (Lorraine & Raymond). Recently Rebecca Broussard was arrested for drunken driving, and he has had an alcohol problem for years.

    Click here to view the article, or here to view all articles.

    I've also added some new pictures of Jack Nicholson spotted when signing autographs and posing for fan pictures, wearing a New York Yankees cap around October 14th, 2007. Only 4 pictures found, but they're great.
    Click here to view the pictures.

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(5035 views / 1 replies)
patrick - Monday, 29th Oct 2007 @ 01:16

thanks for the picture^^.jack you are a best^^

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