• December 4th, 2009

    New Jersey Hall of Fame welcomes Jack Nicholson

    New Jersey Hall of Fame welcomes Jack Nicholson

    The class of 2010 in the New Jersey's Hall of Fame announced Thursday, includes Jack Nicholson amongst his colleague Danny DeVito, musicians Les Paul and Count Basie, authors Philip Roth and Judy Blume, former President Woodrow Wilson, Olympian Carl Lewis, architect Michael Graves and former Supreme Court Justice William Brennan.

    Gov.-elect Chris Christie introduced the new class at a Thursday afternoon news conference at the State Museum in Trenton. Christie said he hoped things like the Hall of Fame would help promote a more positive image for New Jersey.

    This is the third class to be elected into the hall, which was created in 2005 and, for now, exists as a virtual museum on the Web. Three other states have stand-alone halls of fame: California, South Carolina and South Dakota. A few other states have smaller exhibits in their state capitols.

    The winners were chosen by New Jerseyans, who had months to pick their favorites online, and the hall's Voting Academy, made up of 100 state organizations. The nominees came from the fields of sports, entertainment, science and the arts. All have deep ties to the Garden State.
    Jack Nicholson grew up in Neptune City, New Jersey.

    The induction ceremony will be held May 2, 2010, at the New Jersey Performing Arts Center in Newark.

    The Hall of Fame was created to honor New Jerseyans who have made valuable contributions to society and the world. First- and second-year inductees include: Frank Sinatra, Albert Einstein, Yogi Berra, Shaquille O'Neal and Bruce Springsteen.

    Last year, Jack Nicholson was already included in the California Hall of Fame of 2008, so this makes it his second induction in a Hall of Fame.

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(13062 views / 19 replies)
bruno from brazil - Monday, 15th Feb 2010 @ 21:22

jack when you will come to Brazil?

brunno from brazil - Monday, 15th Feb 2010 @ 21:21

jack quando você vai vir para o brasil?

Dedy Anderson - Sunday, 24th Jan 2010 @ 20:05

Are you making the movie, "How do you know?" now. It has been over 10 years since we talked and you still have not shown up as you said you would. That, My Dear, is heartbreaking for me. smile

Dedy Anderson - Sunday, 24th Jan 2010 @ 20:02

I wish he would take me to the ceremony with him.... Jack what do you say? smile

Geni - Friday, 22nd Jan 2010 @ 20:02


Jack will go to the telethon "Hope for Haiti Now" today?

Thanks smile

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