• December 26th, 2005

    New media section added

    New media section added Some may have read it in the forum already for some time already, but I'll put it here as well for those who didn't noticed it yet.

    A whole new media section has been added to the website. In this section you can find all kind of media related sources on Jack Nicholson:

    - Photos: several photos from Jack attending movie premieres etc.
    - Moviestills: some captures from Jack's movies.
    - Magazine covers: scans from magazines all over the world and Jack on the cover
    - Books: quick overview on the books about/from Jack that have been published.
    - Articles: a collection of interviews/articles on Jack Nicholson published in magazines all over the world.

    You can check out the media section by clicking on it in the menu above.

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(3173 views / 2 replies)
Vince - Wednesday, 28th Dec 2005 @ 00:39

Nice! I was hoping this would be added to the site soon.

Tom - Tuesday, 27th Dec 2005 @ 11:34

Great news!!
Very nice pictures.
I Hope there will be more articles in the future smile

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