• June 8th, 2012

    Photos: 40th AFI Life Achievement Award Honoring Shirley MacLaine

    Photos: 40th AFI Life Achievement Award Honoring Shirley MacLaine

    Jack Nicholson attended the 40th AFI Life Achievement Award honoring Shirley MacLaine held at Sony Pictures Studios on June 7, 2012 in Culver City, California. Jack also spoke onstage during the ceremony.

    In a brand new photo album you can see pictures of Jack sitting in the audience, speaking onstage, and enjoying his friends after the ceremony.

    Click here to see the photos: 40th AFI Life Achievement Award Honoring Shirley MacLaine

    The AFI Life Achievement Award tribute to Shirley MacLaine will premiere on TV Land on Saturday, June 24 at 9PM ET/PST.

    (Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images for AFI)

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