• October 22nd, 2006

    Reds 25th anniversary edtion 2 disc DVD out

    Reds 25th anniversary edtion 2 disc DVD out Paramount has re-released Reds as a special 25th anniversary DVD.
    25 years ago, in 1981, Jack starred as Eugene O'Neill along with Warren Beatty in Reds who was also the director of this movie.

    The new release is a 2 disc DVD edition and contains several extras.

    Specifications for the R1 DVD release:

    - Anamorphic Widescreen Presentation
    - English Mono & DD5.1 Surround
    - French Mono
    - English subtitles
    - 7 part “Witness to Reds” documentary:
    ---- The Rising
    ---- Comrades
    ---- Testimonials
    ---- The March
    ---- Revolution Parts 1 and 2
    ---- Propaganda
    - DVD Trailer

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(3707 views / 3 replies)
Jerry - Monday, 10th Sep 2007 @ 07:39

Lucky to find you, keep on the good workk guys! Best of luck.a

Ana - Wednesday, 5th Sep 2007 @ 02:50

I spent last 2 hours browsing your website, it's breathtaking.

michael c - Friday, 19th Jan 2007 @ 18:57

Idiomatic hypothesis Reds,separates the men from the toys,momentous contribution to the omnipotent celluliod industry,the movies.Better red, than ...

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