• January 15th, 2004

    Something's Gotta Give ends up online

    Something's Gotta Give ends up online The BBC says preview tapes of The Last Samurai and the Jack Nicholson comedy Something's Gotta Give are online despite a pledge by voters to ensure their videos were not copied.
    All 5,803 Oscar voters have signed forms promising not make their copies of the encoded tapes, known as screeners, available over the internet.

    The distribution of preview tapes had been banned by film studios in a bid to tackle piracy, but the rules have been relaxed for the Oscars.
    Some film producers challenged the ban, which covered other award ceremonies, and the ruling was later overturned by a judge.

    Oscars organisers are thought to have launched an investigation into the latest leaks. The preview tapes can be traced back to the person they were sent out to.

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