Video Clips

  • Jack Nicholson at Phillies-Cubs game (Jul 20, 2009)
    Jack Nicholson at Phillies-Cubs game (Jul 20, 2009)

    Jack Nicholson, shooting the James L. Brooks comedy in town, was spotted sitting near home plate at Monday's Phillies-Cubs game in a white Yankees cap. Fans gave him a pass because, well, he's Jack Nicholson. The Phillie Phanatic came out on the field in a Batman costume and pretended to take on "The Joker." Nicholson played along, shaking his hands to signal that he was going to "get him."

  • Jack Nicholson filming in Philly
    Jack Nicholson filming in Philly

    Fox 29 catches Jack Nicholson filming in Philadelphia for L. Brooks new movie "How Do You Know?".

  • The Bucket List - L.A. premiere (26 Dec 2007)
    The Bucket List - L.A. premiere (26 Dec 2007)

    Feature on the L.A. premiere of The Bucket List on December 26th 2007, with Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman.

  • Jack endorses Hillary Clinton - presidential campaign 2008
    Jack endorses Hillary Clinton - presidential campaign 2008

    Ad video where Jack Nicholson endorses Hillary Clinton in the presidential campaign 2008, using some of his most popular movie characters in his career.

  • 80 years of Academy Awards / Oscars (2008)
    80 years of Academy Awards / Oscars (2008)

    Jack Nicholson presents 80 years of Annual Academy Awards, 80 Best Picture Awards at the 80th Oscar ceremony on February 24th 2008 at the Kodak Theatre in Los Angeles.

  • Red Carpet - 80th Academy Awards / Oscars (2008)
    Red Carpet - 80th Academy Awards / Oscars (2008)

    Jack Nicholson in the Kodak Theatre in Los Angeles during the Red Carpet feature of the 80th Annual Academy Awards, Oscars, on February 24th 2008.

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Jack's next movie should be

Drama Action Thriller Comedy